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Garnet January BirthstoneGlancing at the surface gemstones seem extraordinary yet simple, but some stones are anything but simple. Take garnets for example, they’re the epitome of complex and are separated into species based on mineral and chemical composition. I won’t bore you with sciency stuff when there’s so much more amusing and fun info about garnets.

Garnet is the official birthstone of January, and the western zodiac stone of those born under the sign Aquarius. For wedding anniversaries it’s given as a gift for the second year.

The Rainbow Mineral
Red is often thought of as the only colour that garnets come in, it isn’t, it’s not even the most prized colour. Quality Tsavorite (brilliant green), Spessarite (firey orange), and Umbalite (pinks and peaches) are among the most highly sought after varieties. The tremendous colour variation of garnets makes them one of my favourites. Garnets come in a variety of colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue (rare), purple, pink, white (near colourless), peach, brown, and black. True blue garnets are exceeding rare, however you can find colour change garnets that change from red to blue. Colour change garnets are in class all by themselves and can command prices of $6000 a carat or more depending on its size, cut, and quality. A 40% to 70% colour change is standard, and the more vibrant the colours the higher the price. 100% colour change is rare in a natural stone, so if you come across one that completely changes its colour it’s probably a synthetic lab grown gem, or it’s an extremely expensive natural garnet.

Gemologists never just simply look at a garnet with the naked eye to determine its species. Since it’s a complex stone that is a combination of species, some garnets need to be analyzed to verify the species and variety. There are approximately 20 species of garnet, these are the most common.

The Conqueror’s Stone
The name Garnet is derived from the latin words granatus meaning grain, and granatum meaning pomegranate, since the gem is found in its natural state resembling grains or seeds from a pomegranate. The Garnet is an intense stone that represents the creation of the world out of chaos, its the primordial fire that gives rise to spirit and creativity. They’re grounding and balancing, as well as lucky, curative, and protective.

The mystical Garnet has been highly valued around the world from Africa to Czechoslovakia, Sumeria, Rome, Greece, and South America (the Aztecs and Mayans), and from as far back as ancient Egypt (5000+ years). In ancient Lower Egypt the garnet was a gem that honoured the most powerful goddess Sekmet the goddess of war. She had the head of a lion and the body of a beautiful woman. Garnets have acted as a warriors stone, when worn it ignited the internal fire of the warrior and enhanced his awareness, and it would protect him from being wounded in battle. If a warrior was wounded then garnets would be placed in the wound in the hope that it would clot the blood. Garnets were also believed to give people (warriors and everyday people) a strengthened survival instinct and bring courage and hope in difficult and dangerous situations.

Garnets were also used for exactly the opposite purpose by some Asiatic tribes, they would use them as ammunition in slingshots, as arrowheads, and later as bullets, with the hope that red garnets would inflict more serious wounds to their enemy. They were believed to penetrate victims quickly and when in the body they were indistinguishable from blood. In more recent history (1892) the rebel Hanzas fighters used garnets as missiles against the British troops on the Kashmir frontier. Many of these garnets were preserved and are kept as historical objects.















The Grain That Rocks!
Garnet has quite a lot of meanings and historically they’ve had many uses. As an aid to your professional life they would boost and stimulate success, and help you change your old behavior in favour of new more beneficial habits and increase your confidence. This gemstone symbolizes purity, truth, love, friendship, spiritual awareness, and compassion. If you are on a quest to learn something about yourself, or you’re looking for answers no matter how uncomfortable or painful the answers may be, garnet will lead you to whatever you’re seeking. Wearing garnets as jewellery is said to boost a persons popularity, self-esteem, and creative ability in art and music.

There are a vast amount of therapies that garnets have been used for. Because many of the stones are deep red it’s closely associated with blood and regeneration. Historically it was used to protect from blood poisoning. Its abilities ranged from purifying the heart, lungs, and blood to improving circulation. Garnet was used to assist with metabolism and the absorption of vitamins and minerals (VIT A, D, and E, plus calcium, magnesium, and iodine). Some of the treatments include spinal and cellular disorders, minimizing and alleviating acne, relieving arthritic pain, low libido, cardiac issues, and heal to the thyroid and spleen. The list goes on and on, including cleansing and treating emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues and disturbances.

Where They Come From
The earth is riddled with garnets, though many of them are used as abrasives for industrial purposes. Different species and varieties are found in different places, but garnets as a group are found in many countries. Africa (Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia), Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, and the United States (Arizona, California, Idaho, North Carolina).

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Silver is a precious metal valued for it’s white moon-like glow. It’s highly lustrous, versatile and can be polished to bright mirror finish. The whitest of all the metals, silver has been used by primitive man and has gone by many names. “Pale” by the ancient Hebrews. To the ancient Romans it was “Argentum”. But my personal favourite is “tears of the moon” named by native North Americans.

Copper or gold are often mistaken as the most conductive metals – but it’s actually silver. It has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals, so it can be found in electronics and it’s used in many other industries. Silver is a very versatile metal and it’s often used as an alloy. 22k gold is 91.7% gold and 8.3% silver and sometimes other metals.

I found this excerpt about the origins of silver and how it’s created, which I think is absolutely amazing.

“Silver is produced from lighter elements in the Universe through the r-process, a form of nuclear fusion believed to take place during certain types of supernova explosions.*”

Medicinal uses of Silver
Silver has antibacterial properties and was used for medicinal purposes before the discovery of antibiotic drugs (such as Penicillin). Medical devices were coated in silver to make them resistant to bacteria. Silver coins used to be placed in barrels of water and wine to act as a disinfectant, and in ancient Persia water was boiled in silver flagons to make it potable. Before refrigeration was invented pioneers in the U.S. would place a silver dollar into a container of milk to keep it fresh. Antiseptics preparations and dressings contained silver compounds, and topical creams used colloidal silver. It was used in one form or another to treat infectious wounds, burns, ulcers, and in some cases even taken internally to treat the common cold.

Silver has resurfaced recently as an alternative medicine and homeopathic remedy for numerous issues. Modern silver containing foam is being tested and has shown to reduce wound size and odour. Colloidal silver has been revived as being an essential mineral supplement and treatment for illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, herpes, tuberculosis, and others. But none have been proven to be effective. Compounds containing Silver Sulfadiazine have been used successfully as a germicide and disinfectant.

The use of silver in clothing and in fabric for items such as socks, shoes and active-wear is an effective way to control odours, since it inhibits the growth of fungus and bacteria.

Silver in History
There has been evidence found at stone age sites showing that prehistoric man was starting to learn metallurgy. Remains have been found in ashes and around ancient fire pits. Silver has been used for numerous things across the ages but most commonly as currency, utensils, art, and for ornamentation since the bronze age, around 4000 BC. In ancient Egypt and Medieval Europe was silver has highly priced and worth more than gold. While it became coined and used as money as early as 700BC, both the Chinese and Roman empires used silver primarily as currency even before then.

Silver jewellery throughout history is deeply steeped in mystery, magic and myth. Most silver jewellery today is actually a sterling silver alloy made with copper to increase it’s durability and scratch resistance.

10 strange facts about silver

  1. Experiments have been done using silver iodide. Scientists are seeding clouds with it in attempts to produce rain.
  2. Silver is more reflective than gold.
  3. The bearings used in jet engines are made of silver, apparently they provide superior performance.
  4. Silver nearly reflects all visible light, which is why high-end mirrors are coated with it. Cheaper mirrors are backed with aluminum.
  5. Since silver has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, paper is being infused with it and used in the medical community.
  6. Long life batteries used in quartz watches and digital cameras use silver oxide-zinc batteries.
  7. About fourteen languages use the same words for ‘money’ and ‘silver’.
  8. Silver used to be used by dentists to fill cavities.
  9. Silver is harder than gold, but silver has a lower melting point.
  10. While it’s not advised to eat silver it’s been used to decorate baked goods, and in Europe it’s found in some food colouring.


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